Plans and Needs

We may add at the end that we have plans to establish a full-fledged computer training center and a technical training center here. The introduction of the Madrasa will remain incomplete if we do not mention the needs of the institution particularly bearing in mind its proposed growth and development in the future. The following are some of the areas in which the Madrasa appears to be wanting and which need improvement.

  • The expansion and extension of the library.
  • The completion of the Madrasa hostel is under construction.

It may not be out of place to mention here that the Madrasa has been able to achieve all this through the atiyat, Zakat, Fitra, Sadaqat, and other subscriptions. Our resources are meager and we meet our requirements with difficulty. We appeal, therefore for the generous help from all sections of society. That will enable us to carry out plans and perform the good work being done in the Madrasa in a more effective way.