Hazrat Maulana Syed Asad Saheb Madani,

Ameer-e-Shariat Hind, President Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind and, Member-e- Shaoora Darul Uloom, Deoband

“The present writer has visited Madrasa Hussainia, Kadru, Ranchi on several occasions and is well acquainted with the people who manage it. It was founded in the memory of Hazrat Maulana Hussain Ahmad Madani and was named after him. Since then the Madrasa has been doing excellent work in the field of Islamic Education. During every session, a large number of students of Arabic, Persian, and Hifz Quran Pak stay here and the Madrasa looks after their requirements. Based on its performance and the service rendered by it in the region. I appeal that it should be generously helped. The donors will be suitably rewarded by Allah.”

Hazrat Maulana Syed Nizamuddin Saheb

Ameer-e-Shariat Bihar, Odisha, and Jharkhand, General Secretary All India Muslim Personal Law Board

“I have visited Madrasa Hussainia Ranchi, the largest institution of Islamic Education in Jharkhand. I have also met the Mohtamim of the Madrasa, Hazrat Maulana Azhar Saheb. By the grace of Allah, the Madrasa is active, lively, and flourishing and is a symbol of its great heritage. About a thousand students receive education here. More than 800 students are fully dependent on it. There are 52 teachers and other employees who have been rendering services in their respective areas laboriously and enthusiastically. Many imposing structures have already come up in the madrasa and there is a beautiful three-storied mosque. The construction work is still in progress. As far as education, training, and ethical values, are concerned this Madrasa is a model Deeni institution. I appeal to all Muslims to lend a helping hand in all possible ways in the construction, development, and strengthening of the madrasa. May Allah always maintains the progress of this Deeni fountain-head and the Muslim and the entire humanity may benefit from it.”

Hazrat Maulana Quari Mohammad Siddique Ahmad Saheb Bandvi RH.

“I had been hearing of the popularity of Madrasa Hussainia Ranchi for a long time. Inspire of my earnest desire my coming here was delayed because of my preoccupations. By Allah’s grace, I got an opportunity to visit the campus today 1410H, and to talk to the teachers and students, and to know the details about the madrasa. The main strength of such institutions is devotion and that is the basis of all developments. I could easily perceive it here in the Madrasa. May God bless the institution on all fronts”

Hazrat Maulana Ghulam Mohammad Wustanwi Saheb

Maohtamim Jamiah Ishat-ul -Uloom Akal kua, Maharashtra, Member of Shoora, Darul Uloom Deoband.

In connection with the All Jharkhand Quran-e-Kareem recitation Competition, I visited the Madrasa Hussainia, Ranchi. The institution was established in the memory of Shaikhul Islam Hazrat Madani RA. And is an institution of paramount significance and holds the central position in the area. More than 800 students are studying here. The Mohtamim of the Madrasa Hazrat Maulana Azhar Saheb has been a close disciple of Hazrat Madani RA. And by the grace of Allah enjoy a key position and influence in the area.  The institution has been developing on the right lines because of Maulana Azhar’s hard work inspired by limitations of resources. The Madrasa immensely requires a separate building for holding classes. I appeal to everyone to help the Madrasa and get the reward (SAWAB).

Honorable Dr. A.R. Kidwai, the Governor of Bihar

“I am glad to see that Madrasa Hussainia, Ranchi, has been successfully educating a large number of students without payment. I have been also impressed by the fact that the founder of the Madrasa Maulana Azhar Saheb and his colleagues have been able to erect such a fine and self-sufficient Madrasa in a very short time. Indeed, the interest shown by the teachers and the discipline displayed by the students is praiseworthy. I hope and with the Madrasa would prosper steadily and would be producing broad-minded hardworking students who may be able to serve the nation and participate in its development.”