The well-wishers of Madrasa Hussainia, Ranchi wishing to render help in cash can pay it to the Safeers, appointed Madrasa Hussainia to collect donations for various regions and get a receipt from them. Or, they can directly send it via money order, DD or Cheque to the following addresses. Having received the money you shall, in-sha-Allah, be delivered the receipt:
For cheques and Drafts write: “ MADRASA HUSSAINIA “
Madrasa Hussainia Bank Account :
If you donate online or transfer directly to Madrasa Hussainia account, please inform us by email or phone so that we can confirm the receipt.
Bank Name: Bank of Baroda, Branch: Ranchi, Account Name: Madrasa Hussainia,
A/C Number: 00170100000470, IFSC Code: BARB0RANCHI (Fifth Character is Zero)
Contact : 094311-77283 (Maulana Mohammad Sb. Mohtamim)
Contact : 094311-77283 (Maulana Mohammad Sb. Mohtamim)
Participate in Construction Projects :
There are construction projects underway in Madrasa Hussainia. You may participate in the same and contribute to Madrasa Hussainia greatly.
Donation in kind :
You can be of help by offering:
• Syllabus and study books for the Library of Madrasa Hussainia
• Construction materials such as brick, cement, rod, etc
• Fans and other electric stuff for classes
• Food materials for students
• Computers, original software, etc
• Clothes for poor students
Postal Address:
Madrasa Hussainia
Hussainabad, Kadru, Ranchi-834002 (Jharkhand)
Contact Us at:
Phone : 0651-2341092
Mobile : 094311-77283
QR Code Scan with any UPI App